Wednesday 1 June 2011

So. Let's begin.

Ok, so. I have no idea how the whole blog idea works. I'm guessing I write and you read, but I sure will learn the random stuff later.

I suppose I am a tad random. I don't mean to be. It kinda exists through my family line. For example: today my father walked into the hoover and decided to pat the hoover and apologize. It's slightly weird. No, random! I guess most people will state that they really are random as an interesting fact to.. well... interest people. But really. I'm random.

I'm getting excited now.

I suppose I should start with a crum about my mini 13 year old life.
1) I'm 13
2) I'm random
3) My cat got stuck in the loft today. Yeah. An example in it's prime.

I have only read one blog in my entire life - TheStyleRookie - and I aspire to make mine as interesting as hers. I'm on YouTube as well so check out my channel is you want - danglyearringsdirect. Basically, I ramble on about fashion, makeup and cats getting stuck in the loft and fish eating my toes.

Ok, my fingers hurt from typing furiously fast and hard so I think your eyes must hurt from reading as well. I'm going to go now. Bye.

No really, bye.


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